Be sure to re-enroll in a qualifying plan this open enrollment
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Re-enroll in your qualified health plan to continue to benefit from your HSA.

Don't lose momentum with your HSA!

To continue making contributions to your HSA and benefit from the triple-tax advantage your account offers, you must re-enroll in a qualifying high-deductible health plan (HDHP) during your company's open enrollment period.

As a reminder, with your HSA you enjoy:

  • Tax-free contributions
  • Tax-free withdrawals to cover eligible healthcare expenses
  • Tax-free earnings on your account
  • Tax-advantaged savings for future healthcare needs
  • No use-it-or-lose-it penalty so you can continue to grow your account

If during open enrollment you elect a health plan that does not qualify for an HSA, you can continue to spend your existing HSA dollars on eligible healthcare expenses as well as invest the funds in your account. However, you will no longer be able to make contributions to your HSA.

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